Mins ago, One of the Nigeria’s richest blogger, Joseph Ejump Umeh the owner of 9jaflaver.com posted a story of how he became a Blogger, how he dumped music to start a Blog. The hustle is real.
please read below:
Guys, Laides, let me gist you my hustle story!!
My name is:- Mr Ejump, you all know me as the owner and CEO of one of Africa's top blogs "9jaflaver" I'm 25 year-old, born on the 8th of August 1992.
I didn't start my hustle as a blogger, I started my hustle as a music artiste in the year 2010, I made friends with some upcoming music producers which gave me the opportunity to be able to work on my music writting and singing skills, then wizkid inspired me alot with his first hit song "Holla at your boy", believe me, the industry to me then was not easy for due to financial difficulties, I dropped couple of songs requested for support from my relatives, but none could help me, I remember saving my daily feeding money just to record a track, in the year 2011 I got a job as a sales boy the pay to me then was fair as I could save them to make some more musics in the studio.
Towards the ending of 2013, I got admitted into the university of Abuja (Economics department) that was when 9jaflaver came into my mind, then I dropped music and launched 9jaflaver in the year 2014.
Believe me I was never a serious student to be compared to the brain-box in my class then, all I paid more attention to my blog than any other school nor extra curriculum activities, I had very few friends, no girlfriend. My few weeks in school I was like a ghost class mate to many of my class mates due to how quiet I use to be, sitting at the back sit during every class, updating my blog. Read lots of tech (DIY) Do it yourself web programming tips, then I earned nothing from my blog (Financially), I saw lots of young guys driving luxury cars, living in very large and luxury homes, I was never intermediated, then I used my school feeding money as an undergraduate to renew my website hosting, domain names, and Internet subscription as I remember using an old blackberry bold 3 to update my blog.
My second semester as a student of uniabuja student then, I started utilizing a whatsapp group for my classmates where we get lecture updates and other school related updates as an avenue to share my blog post links, that was when many of my class mates got to know 9jaflaver and me (Mr Ejump), I became my class mates lindaikeji, I slept less, blogged more, gathered news from around university of Abuja, pushed them through the-same whatsapp group and that was how the school gists will travel around school campus as one student will share it to another school group till it goes viral in uniabuja campus, then I felt like Uniabuja lindaikeji, the feeling was so awsome.
That's not all:-
The passion as a blogger became so unquenchable, I stood strong as a blogger. And right now 9jaflaver is known all over Africa as one of the most popular blogs in Africa (Nigeria), and I'll still never relax, I'll always work to increase the high quality services 9jaflaver provides, success can never be an avenue for me to relax, call me workaholic I don't care # smiles
It's never been easy, 4 years of hardwork and consistency made it possible, and I'll never forget God for his awesome grace and help in lifting me and my company up, He'll never stop as my growth and that of my company will never halt
Guys, ladies, if there are anythings you gat passion for that can earn lots of money for you, never give up, be consistent, and hold onto God, you'll get there, it'll only take time
Take care, Happy Christmas celebration in advance
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9jaflaver CEO Joseph Ejump Umeh, shares inspiring story
Description : Mins ago, One of the Nigeria’s richest blogger, Joseph Ejump Umeh the owner of 9jaflaver.com posted a story of how he became a Blogger, ho...
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